雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. advocating 相關



    • What is litigation PR?

      What is litigation PR?

      Marketing Magazine· 7 日前

      Litigation PR refers to the strategic management of communication and public perception during legal disputes or litigation ...

    • 抗議中共駐美大使謝鋒 哈佛女生遭強硬拖走

      抗議中共駐美大使謝鋒 哈佛女生遭強硬拖走

      大紀元· 7 日前

      中共駐美大使謝鋒日前在哈佛大學演講,三名學生接力抗議。期間強硬拖拽抗議女學生出會場的年輕男子,被揭是留學哈佛大學的中共小粉紅鄒宏基。專家表示,哈佛大 ...

    • Experts challenge 'capacity' claims

      China Daily· 3 日前

      Amid the ongoing rhetoric about China's so-called "overcapacity", there is a lack of substantial evidence to support such ...

  1. advocating 相關
