雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 李登科:美伊有默契不升高衝突 中東暫可控

      中國評論新聞網· 3 日前

      針對伊朗與以色列日前相互發射飛彈、無人機報復,政治大學外交系兼任教授李登科接受中評社訪問表示,以色列想方設法要在中東製造衝突火種將美國捲入,好藉 ...

    • The Deindustrialization Myth

      The Deindustrialization Myth

      Forbes· 6 日前

      Deindustrialization, “the hollowing out of manufacturing in America,” you always hear, began in ...

    • Bend over backwards? 竭尽全力

      China Daily· 2 日前

      The speaker is giving advice to someone looking for a sweatshop job. A sweatshop is a factory that forces employees to work ...